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Results: 277

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Discover support for new parents to help with the challenges of birth injuries, whether affecting mother or baby.

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Six expert tips for parents on getting kids playing outdoors safely this summer.

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Learn these summer water safety tips and stay safe while swimming, boating, and enjoying the sun.

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We’re sharing the stats of how many claims enter the courtroom.

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In some catastrophic cases, compensation may be awarded to aid funding for home adaptations essential for restoring quality of life following a complex or life-altering injury.

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Welfare isn't just about employee satisfaction - it's a crucial component of health and safety regulations. Is your employer promoting your welfare or neglecting it?

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How can inadequate PPE cause workplace accidents? We explore the winter dangers linked to insufficient PPE at work and how it can impact your safety as an employee.

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We’re answering the question as to whether or not you can cycle on pavements, as well as looking into cycling Do’s and Don’ts!

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As you plan holidays and excursions for the year ahead, be aware that research suggests Brits may find themselves in unexpected danger when driving abroad.

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With dangerous jobs putting workers at such high risk, is the reward as high? We look into the UK's most dangerous jobs and find out about their pay.

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Loss of earnings, medical fees and forced career changes are some of the effects that personal injury can cause. Compensation could be your light at the end of the tunnel.

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With strong winds, darker days, and freezing temperatures, how dangerous is construction work in winter?