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Why make a no win no fee hearing loss claim?

Employers have a legal responsibility to make sure that all staff are appropriately briefed and cared for when working in environments with consistently high noise levels. It's also essential that you're given protective equipment to minimise the risk of industrial deafness.

Workplaces where noise levels may cause hearing damage could include:

If they've failed to do this and your hearing has suffered as a result, we know how unfair it can feel. We can guide you through the process of making a no win no feehearing loss claim.

For free advice, call us on or fill in our secure online form to arrange a call back. There is no obligation for you to pursue an industrial deafness or tinnitus claim with us. However, we can give you impartial advice on whether you could claim. We'll happily answer any questions too.

What is hearing loss?

Hearing loss is experienced when you have a reduced ability to hear sounds, meaning your ability to hear is worse than other people's. It tends to become a more common issue in older people; however, environmental and genetic factors can also cause these changes. 

There are ways to help you communicate with others if you have hearing loss. This includes learning to lipread and moving to a space with less background noise.

People who are considered 'deaf' have profound hearing loss, where they have little to no hearing. Causes might include hereditary factors, viral infections, trauma to the ear and more. It's common for deaf people to use sign language to communicate.

Sometimes, hearing loss can be treated; otherwise, it can result in life-altering consequences.


Tinnitus is when a person hears noises that don't come from an outside source. Again, the severity ranges. Some people experience symptoms temporarily, while others experience them for the rest of their life. Symptoms can be experienced in one or both ears. These might include:

  • Ringing
  • Buzzing
  • Whooshing
  • Throbbing
  • Humming

Sometimes, people experience tinnitus after a car accident and are eligible for compensation. That's where hearing claim solicitors can help, as tinnitus is still considered a type of hearing loss.

What is industrial deafness?

Industrial deafness refers to damage to the inner ear from noise or vibrations in the workplace. This may come from equipment noise going beyond the safe decibel level. Working in these surroundings for a prolonged period without proper protection can result in long-term or permanent hearing loss. This tends to happen gradually, so you might not notice it at first. Alternatively, hearing loss can be caused by acoustic shock, where a sudden loud noise exceeds the safe decibel level.

Industrial deafness is sometimes also known as 'occupational deafness' or 'noise-induced hearing loss' (NIHL).

If you have suffered from occupational hearing loss, you may be eligible for workplace hearing loss compensation. Call us on or fill out our callback form to arrange a time to speak at your convenience.

What are the symptoms of industrial deafness?

If you're experiencing the symptoms below, you may be suffering from industrial deafness and could make a hearing loss claim:

  • Missing parts of conversations
  • Asking people to repeat themselves
  • Having to turn the television up louder to hear it
  • Lack of hearing in one or both ears
  • Temporary or permanent hearing loss
  • Ringing, buzzing or hissing noises (this can be a sign of tinnitus)
  • Struggling to hear people if there is background noise

On top of experiencing difficulties in your everyday life, you may even have had to find a new career if your hearing loss is disrupting your ability to perform well at work.

We don't think that's fair, so we're here to help you make it right by helping you start a NIHL claim for hearing loss compensation. We work with a panel of solicitors who are experts in their field, including specialists in noise-induced hearing loss claims and tinnitus claims.

Can I claim for loss of hearing?

If you've experienced hearing loss following exposure to high levels of noise in the workplace, you may be able to make a hearing loss claim.

When you speak to us about your case, we'll talk through your symptoms to understand more about what you've been experiencing and what may have led to your hearing loss. If you've spoken to a medical professional about your hearing, we'll also talk through the details of that consultation.

We realise it can be difficult to tell whether you could make a hearing loss claim, but that's where we can help you. Our friendly, personal injury advisors are on hand seven days a week on to offer free, impartial advice and help you understand whether you may have a case. 

We understand that your hearing loss may make you feel wary of picking up the phone to talk to us, but please don't worry. We speak to lots of people about occupational hearing loss claims, and all of our calls are handled at your pace and we'll never rush you.

If you're still unsure about picking up the phone to talk to us, our advisors are available on our live chat. Alternatively, you could ask a friend or family member to call us on your behalf to talk through your case.


The Health and Safety Executive estimates that 11,000 workers in Great Britain suffered work-related hearing problems between 2019 and 2022. Meanwhile, the national charity the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) says that exposure to loud noise is the second-biggest cause of hearing loss. As a result, compensation for hearing loss is awarded in the UK more regularly than you might expect.

While noise-induced hearing loss unfortunately can't be cured, many people who have suffered from it find wearing a hearing aid helpful. RNID offers support and useful advice for those who are living with hearing loss, including advice on hearing therapy and lipreading classes.

Remember that, if you've suffered hearing loss, we're here to help and advise you on noise -induced hearing loss claims. Our friendly team of personal injury advisors is available on .

How can hearing loss compensation help?

Although making a hearing loss compensation claim may feel like a daunting process, we have the experience to make it as simple and stress-free as possible. Compensation can help you get the apology you deserve and can cover any costs.

Our solicitors are specialists in industrial hearing claims and will take all of the impacts of your hearing loss into consideration when making your claim. For example, if you've needed to take time off work or find a new job, then your compensation can cover the expenses that may have caused.

Hearing loss can be very frustrating - it can make social situations difficult and can leave you feeling depressed. Your solicitor will make sure they understand exactly how your injury has affected you so that you receive the full amount of compensation.

Meet the team

John Kushnick

John Kushnick

Statutory Director of National Accident Law

With extensive personal injury legal and senior management experience, John oversees the optimisation of the customer journey - from the start of a claim through to final settlement.

How much noise is too much noise?

Noise levels are measured in decibels (dB). According to the RNID, 85dB is the threshold level at which your hearing can become damaged over time. Generally, sounds under 85dB are safe to listen to and don't require hearing protection.

However, if you work in a noisy workplace and sound levels reach 80dB, your employer should assess the risk to your hearing.

There are laws in place to make sure that at-risk workers are protected in workplaces with high noise levels. Employers should take steps to meet the terms of The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005. These include:

  • Assessing the risks to staff from noise at work
  • Taking action to reduce the noise exposure
  • Providing staff with hearing protection if the noise exposure can't be reduced enough
  • Making sure legal limits on noise exposure aren't exceeded.

The levels of noise exposure that should not be exceeded (the exposure limit value) are daily or weekly exposure of 87 dB and peak sound pressure of 140 dB. Employer negligence and a failure to meet duty of care could mean you are eligible to make an occupational hearing loss claim. Call us today on [medtel] to see whether you could have a valid claim.

How much compensation do you get for hearing loss?

There is no simple answer to this. The amount of noise-induced hearing loss compensation received will vary from case to case. This is because every claim is unique and has its own specific set of circumstances.

We understand that it might be helpful to know about the amount of compensation that may be paid before your claim gets underway. This is why we created our hearing loss compensation calculator. We recommend that it's best to speak to your solicitor about what the settlement in your case could be when your hearing loss or tinnitus claim is under way. At this point, they will be fully up to speed with the facts of your case and will have a better idea of the amount of hearing loss compensation you could receive.

Any compensation for hearing damage claims will be split into two categories. These are known as special damages and general damages.

Special damages

Special damages refer to the ascertainable losses you could be covered for, including medical expenses and lost wages as a result of your hearing loss.

General damages

General damages cover intangible losses like pain or any mental suffering.

These are determined by the Judicial College guidelines. They give guideline figures for industrial deafness compensation claims in the UK. The Judicial College is part of the Ministry of Justice and sets the ranges of compensation for all types of accident injuries, including NIHL compensation claims.

Injury typeCompensation range
Total deafness and loss of speech£102,890 - £132,040
Total deafness£85,170 - £102,890
Total loss of hearing in one ear£29,380 - £42,730
Severe tinnitus and noise induced hearing loss (NIHL)£27,890 - £42,730
Moderate tinnitus and NIHL/ moderate to severe tinnitus/ NIHL alone£13,970 - £27,890
Mild tinnitus with some NIHL£11,820 - £13,970
Mild tinnitus alone/ mild NIHL aloneAround £11,000
Slight or occasional tinnitus with slight NIHL£6,910 - £11,820
Slight NIHL without tinnitus/ slight tinnitus without NIHLUp to £6,580


Is there a hearing loss claim time limit?

With all personal injury claims, including hearing loss claims, there are time limits which apply. We can explain this to you in more detail, but our advice would always be to speak to us as soon as possible on . That way, we can run through the specifics of your case to understand the timescales involved and to advise you on what the next steps could be towards making a claim.

Every day, we help customers like James to start a claim 

National Accident Helpline are very good at what they do. The process was easy.

James, Surrey

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To find out more about making a hearing loss compensation claim, call our friendly, helpful team on .

All of our advisors are trained and your call with us is completely confidential - we'll simply ask you some questions and then let you know whether we think you could make a hearing loss claim.

It's important to remember that we'll never rush or pressure you into starting a claim. We're here to help you get the information you need to decide what to do next.

If you do decide to go ahead and start a claim, we can help you take the next steps. We'll match you up with one of our specialist solicitors with experience of working on hearing loss claims. No win no fee terms will be discussed with you up front, so you know what to expect during your claim.

Our Personal Injury Advice Centre is open seven days a week until late, so our advisors are ready to talk through your case whenever you are ready. Call us on or use the simple form below to request a free call back.

Why choose National Accident Helpline to help make a hearing loss claim?

  • With us, you can access a network of specialist lawyers across the UK, including hearing claim solicitors
  • We work with solicitor firms who are signed up to either the Solicitors Regulation Authority or the Law Society of Scotland
  • You can rely on us to match you with the right solicitor for your case
  • We were involved in founding the Ethical Marketing Charter, which plays a role in maintaining ethical marketing practices in the personal injury claims sector
  • We have over 24,000 independent reviews on Trustpilot, with an 'Excellent' rating
  • We will only ever contact you if you seek support first - with us, there is no pressure

Whether you're seeking compensation for moderate hearing loss or for deafness, we can help. You might have experienced industrial deafness in the workplace or tinnitusafter a car accident and are therefore seeking compensation. Simply get in touch with our specialist team on or fill out the form below.

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Trusted - Rated 'Excellent' on Trustpilot with more reviews than any other Helpline.
National - Every day, we help 100's of people across the UK who've been injured in accidents.