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04 Jul, 2024/ by National Accident Helpline /News

Does exercise help injury recovery?

When you suffer a personal injury, sometimes low-impact exercise can help your recovery, both mentally and physically. Providing you have your medical professional's consent, exercising can help injury recovery by allowing you to get back to your everyday activities safely and with fewer chances of re-injury. Naturally, you need to look after the area of injury but this does not mean the rest of your body can't maintain a healthy level of fitness. For example, you may decide to engage in:

  • exercise in water
  • cross training
  • alternative sports

Which sport has the highest injury rate?

Sports can of course cause injuries but the risk of a serious injury is low. This was proven in a study by researchers at the University of Bath over a five-year period which was funded by the British Medical Association. The study proves that even though sports carry a risk of injury, taking part in sports and exercise massively outweighs these potential risks. The study looked at 61 sports and other physical activities and calculated the risks of injury to those taking part. 

The sport which has the highest rate of injury is football. Out of every 100,000 football participants per year, there were 6.56 injuries. This is because it is a high-impact sport putting huge strain on lower-body joints. Other physical activities which also provided a higher risk for injury rates include:

  • motorsports with 532 injuries per 100,000 participants
  • equestrian activities with 235 injuries per 100,000 participants
  • gliding with 191 injuries per 100,000 participants

Also, more males suffer an injury per year per 100,000 participants than females. There were 6.4 injuries per 100,000 male participants and 3.3 injuries per 100,000 female participants per year. However, despite the risk of injury being higher for some sports and physical activities many injuries can be prevented. For example through:

  • protective equipment
  • challenges to rules
  • changes to law
  • educating participants.

What does low impact mean?

When we talk about low-impact exercise we mean exercise that makes your heart rate slowly increase. It is exercise that makes you engage in lower and gentler movements than other exercises and as a result, puts less pressure on your joints.  When you take part in low-impact exercise it helps prevent aggravating injuries you already have or causing new ones. Yet taking part in low-impact exercise still allows you to reach your exercise goals. 

Low-impact summer sports to try:

As summer approaches, why not try out some low-impact exercises that get you out in the fresh air? There are so many low-impact summer activities and sports to choose from but do remember that if they are new to you, start gradually so your body gets used to them and ensure you consult with your doctor or GP first. 

Low-impact exercise can sometimes be referred to as moderate activity. It raises your heart rate, makes you warmer and increases the speed at which you are breathing. Adults aged 19 to 64 should take part in some form of physical activity every day. Physical activity reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke, even if you only do so only once or twice a week. 


Swimming is an excellent choice of low-impact activity for the summer. It benefits your joints as there is little stress on them yet it gives you an all-over body workout at the same time. You can choose whether you go for relaxed strokes or more challenging ones, and the rhythm of the water can help your joint flexibility. 

If swimming doesn't appeal to you but you like water, why not try water aerobics? This will give you a full-body workout where you perform resistance exercises in the water. 

Remember that safety is crucial when exercising in water. So be wary of the many dangers associated with water, such as:

  • hidden currents
  • cold water shock
  • deep areas
  • hidden rubbish which can pose a danger
  • pollution which can make you ill
  • lack of lifeguards around it.


A fun and low-impact summer activity is cycling. It is gentle on your joints with minimal stress due to the circular pedalling motion yet gives you a low-impact cardiovascular workout at the same time.

Safety is important when taking part in cycling. So, for example, ensure your bike settings are correct to get the right alignment and protect your joints. Also, if you are cycling on the road with other vehicles you may be at higher risk of a cycling accident.

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and; pilates are low-impact activities that you can do in the summer or any time of the year. They both focus on:

  • flexibility
  • strength
  • balance

Despite being a form of below-impact activity they also both enable you to breathe deeply and to relax.

Walking and hiking

Another way to get low-impact summer exercise is to go for a walk or to go hiking. Walking is a natural movement for your body and you can squeeze it in as part of your everyday routine. For example, taking a walk to the shops instead of a quick drive in the car. Walking helps your cardiovascular fitness and helps to make your muscles stronger. 

When walking make sure you think about your safety. Therefore, be careful to wear the right footwear to protect your joints and choose your walking route carefully to ensure it is suitable. 

Other low-impact activities you can try in the summer are:

  • dancing
  • double tennis
  • mowing the lawn
  • rollerblading in the park.

How can compensation help me recover?

If you have suffered a personal injury from an accident that wasn't your fault, a compensation claim can significantly aid your recovery. Compensation is awarded consisting of general damages, which address the physical harm endured, and special damages, which cover out-of-pocket expenses and unexpected costs arising from the injury. We understand how an injury can disrupt your daily life and impact your recovery and know that compensation could support your recovery by:

  • Providing lost income when you are unable to work.
  • Covering medical expenses resulting from your injury.
  • Reimbursing travel costs for hospital visits and treatments.
  • Funding necessary adjustments to your home or vehicle due to your injury.
  • Gives a sense of justice and closure, ensuring those responsible for your accident are held accountable.

When you choose National Accident Helpline, you are in trusted hands. Our claims process begins with our experienced and empathetic advisors, who will listen carefully to the details of your accident. Then, our specialist solicitors will work with you to complete your claim.

So why not give us a call today at , request a callback, or start your claim online? We even let you calculate your potential compensation online first using our compensation calculator.

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