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Investors in People logo

11 Mar, 2015/ by National Accident Helpline /Legal and Consumer News, News

Following a full and thorough assessment of a wide range of business practices, including our business strategy, learning and development, and employee performance management, National Accident Helpline (NAH) has been awarded Investors in People (IiP) status, having met all the relevant evidence requirements of the IiP core standard. Furthermore, we also met all six of the additional requirements selected from the wider framework to support this assessment, demonstrating our capability to achieve accreditation at a higher level in the near future.

The core foundation of people management excellence, the Standard, is a benchmark for any well-run organisation, and as such we are extremely proud to have been accredited as an Investor in People. The review found our strengths to be communication, reward and recognition, and coaching and development, and provided vital guidance on ways we can improve and grow stronger as a business.

Here at NAH we identify strongly with the values of the IiP Standard and will be focusing on a continuous improvement plan over the next 18 months to ensure our people remain at the heart of what we do.

Russell Atkinson, Chief Executive Officer, commented: "To be recognised for the way we communicate and engage with our people, lead the business and develop skills and abilities is something we are all proud of. The feedback we've received from employees as part of the assessment process is a powerful tool for us to ensure continued success."

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